A beautiful app designed to discover, track, and share anime and manga on AniList.co.

Track Your Anime and Manga

Log in to your AniList.co account and update the lists you've created, natively

Discover New Series

Search through AniList.co's extensive library for series, characters, and voice actors easily

Follow Your Friends

Find your friends on AniList.co and follow them to see their lists and favorites

Find Your New Favorites

Mark series, characters, and voice actors that you love the most and see them on your profile

Customize Your Experience

Change out your app theme, list style, and app icon* to fit your needs (* requires Tokubetsu purchase)

Optimized for Apple

Beautifully designed and blazingly fast for iPhone and iPad

Live Broadcast Notifications

Get notifications for when the next episode of an anime airs (requires Tokubetsu purchase)